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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Meta Information Page
This page contains detailed information about a data set in KRIS, including where the original data reside and how to contact the sources for the data. Data sets are linked to the appropriate page by means of the Meta Identifier. Many data sets can be linked to same page by sharing the same Meta Identifier.
Meta Identifier CDFG_coho Type of Data Coho presence/absence Originator California Department of Fish and Game Description This database contains coho salmon presence/absence data arranged by streams and years from 1988-2002 for all documented historic coho streams between the Golden Gate and the Mendocino-Humboldt County line. This database contains only coho young-of-year sightings/captures, not any other life-stages. Scott Harris extracted this database from a more detailed database maintained by NOAA Fisheries Santa Cruz office (see supplemental information below). Eli Asarian of KRIS staff created an ArcView shapefile (coho_presence.shp) from this database by using the PNAME and LLID fields to link the database to GIS stream layers (see metadata file coho_presence.shp.txt) for more detailed information on the spatial aspects of the data Area N.W. California (Mendocino County to Golden Gate) Metadata Date 11/18/03 Metadata Contact Eli Asarian Contact Person Primary Scott Harris Status complete Request Log requests began 9/25/02 and continued through March 2003. Receipt Log data received 3/24/03 Access Constraints none? Lead Person Eli Asarian Lead Organization IFR-KRIS Notes streams south of the Golden Gate (San Francisco) were clipped from the database at Scott Harris's request due to concerns over data accuracy in that area. Data Set Name fish_cohopres_ncoast_dfg_88_02.dbf, fish_cohopres_ncoast_dfg_88_02_sum.db, fish_cohopres_wmarin_dfg_88_02.dbf Date of Content Start 1/1/88 Date of Content End 12/31/02 Maint. and Update Freq. will be updated in future Serial Name Electronic files Data Quality Information Harris warns that there are errors in the database that he has yet to fix. It should not be considered 100% reliable. Database is a work in progress (draft). Use Constraints Because there is no documentation linking the records in this database to the source data (as there is in the NOAA database), data cannot be checked. Database is a work in progress (draft). Supplemental Information The source NOAA Fisheries (Santa Cruz office) database contains a record for each survey (i.e. maybe 25 for a stream). The columns include a set of four columns for every year (coho yoy, coho y+, jacks, adults) for the years 1988-2002, also with a code 1-9 (present, absent, validity). They also have a list of 3,000-4,000 references linked to every row in the database. Harris will not release the source database without permission from NOAA Fisheries Keywords fish, coho Storage Location CDFG, Willits Contact Organization California Department of Fish and Game Contact Address P.O Box 1690 Contact City Willits Contact State CA Contact Zip Code 95490 Contact Voice Telephone (707) 459-2238 Contact Email