Klamath National Forest Geographic Information System Theme Documentation Revision Date: November 1996 Theme: Historic Fire Perimeters Disclaimer: *********************************************************************- **** The Klamath National Forest cannot assure the reliability or suitability of this information for a particular purpose. Original data was compiled from various sources. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. This information may be updated without notification. ***********************************************- ************************* Project Name: KNF Base Layer IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Coverage Extent: Forest-wide Source: Ranger District Fire Atlases Last Update: May 1995 Primary Feature Type:Polygon Other Feature Types: Distribution Limitations: None Data Resolution: 1:24000 Projection: UTM Zone 10 Comments: Fire perimeters were obtained from 1:126720 Ranger District Fire Atlases. Polygons were ocularly transferred to 1:62500 manuscripts. District Atlases contain all fires > 40 acres in size. Dates covered: All districts, 1950 to present Salmon River, 1911 to present Goosenest, 1914 to present Beaver Creek watershed (Oak Knoll RD), 1920 to present SOURCE INFORMATION Source System: Arc/Info Source Scale: 1:126720 Source Projection: UTM Zone 10 Capture Method: scanner CUSTODIAN INFORMATION Contact Organization:KNF Supervisor's Office Resource Contact: Jay Perkins, Fire Management Staff Phone:916-842-6131 Email: Address: 1312 Fairlane Road Yreka, CA 96097 GIS Contact: Dianne Torpin, KNF Supervisor's Office, GIS Staff Phone:916-842-6131 Email: Address: 1312 Fairlane Road Yreka, CA 96097 PROCESSING INFORMATION Theme Generation: Lineage: For more detailed information, see the Edit Log for this theme. ATTRIBUTE INFORMATION =====================================================================- == System Software: Arc/Info Table Name:.PAT ============================================ Item Name: data Item Type: char Item Length: 30 Item Value Description eg. 87012317099 Concatenations of 5-character strings, where the first two characters represent the year in which the fire occurred and the remaining 3 characters are the incident number. Where overlaps occur (area burned multiple times), the string is extended, with the most recent fire always occupying the first position in the string. The example string above can be interpreted as Incident# 99 occurring in 1917, reburned in 1987 as incident# 123 Item Name: y1, y2, etc. Item Type:integer, redefined Item Length: 2 Item Value Description eg. 87 Year in which fire occurred Item Name: yc1, yc2, etc. Item Type:char, redefined Item Length: 2 Item Value Description eg. 87 Year in which fire occurred, expressed as a character string. Useful for coverage labeling purposes, so that polygons containing no data show as null, rather than "0". Example: polygontext fire_perim yc3|yc2|yc1EDIT LOG NOTE: Data is screwed up, in that fire #'s (item DATA) should list most recent fire first (eg, 8700153102). It appears that 87 fire info is okay this way, but all others are backwards! -RAV 4/11/96 ===================================== FIRES0496 --------- Updated fires within Beaver Cr. Watershed for fires 1922-1950. Manuscripted @ 1:24000 by Jeff Keiser. FIRES1095 --------- Large historic fires from 1950-1976. Manuscripted to 1:63360 scale from Individual Fire Reports (Form 5100-29) and District Fire Atlases in the spring of 1992 by Jeff Keiser & Bruce Detrick. Scanned at the Rogue and vectorized by ArcScan in the spring 0f 1995. Updated with Hog fire layer, Dillon (Jack#1) 94 layer, and Specimen 94 layer. Neilon fire updated with 87 fire layer. Updated with Salmon River fires from 1911-1950, manuscripted by Jeff Keiser in 1992. No fire numbers were assigned to these. Updated with pre-1950 fires for Goosenest. Fire numbers are assigned to some but not all polygons.